this kiss

美 [ðɪs kɪs]英 [ðɪs kɪs]
  • 网络这个吻;这一吻
this kissthis kiss
  1. Could I have this kiss forever .


  2. Take this kiss upon my brow !


  3. Fueled by the single " This Kiss ," the album achieved platinum status in a mere six weeks .


  4. He hadn 't stolen this kiss , he 'd asked permission and it had been granted .


  5. This kiss shows that your relationship still surprises you , ' Phil wrote . ' You each still share a sense of excitement , and you love the opportunity to sneak up and lay an unexpected kiss on your partner . '


  6. if , the two had kissed . " The symbolic value of this kiss , " Nicolas Perella notes , " depends upon the deeply rooted idea of the kiss as a vehicle for the of power or " souls " . "


  7. You cannot answer this , but kiss our child for me .


  8. Against this state of kiss anarchy , I have recently struck one small blow .


  9. Plus , there was this lesbian vampire kiss below .


  10. If this type of kiss is exchanged between people who are in a long term relationship , it could mean a sign that they are ' putting up emotional wall ' , and they most likely need to work on communicating with each other .


  11. So , in a way , this was my first kiss .


  12. Let 's give this human a goodbye kiss .


  13. Oh my God , this award is the kiss of death !


  14. I 've got this terrible urge to kiss you .


  15. After reading this , you must kiss the person who gave you this unless you are of the same sex .


  16. V2 Now we could put stops here at V2 , but this piston would just kiss the stops .


  17. The rule goes like this : If you kiss someone , then you should marry them and have kids with them . It 's the right thing to do .


  18. Another email from a senior partner to Ms. Pao said : " You seem angry and the affair has become personalized . This is always the kiss of death . "


  19. An Iraqi journalist shouted in Arabic " this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people , dog ," and hurled his shoes at Bush during a news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki .
